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AMA Ferris

Internship Series - Renae Schuetter

Renae Schuetter, a Ferris State student pursuing a major in Business Administration and two minors in Integrated Marketing Techniques and Legal Studies, completed her internship last summer at Amazon. She was a marketing intern on Amazon’s global sales team, located in Seattle, Washington. Renae found this opportunity on LinkedIn. She applied over the winter break and received an email requiring her to do a test. Once she made it past, she had a couple of 45 minute interviews back to back, eventually finding out two days later that she got the internship!

At Amazon corporate, her daily responsibilities included managing email campaigns, developing a FAQ page, and distributing questionnaires for webinars. These questionnaires served as quality assessments, asking participants to evaluate what was beneficial and what could be changed in the webinars. Renae worked in a heavily team-based environment, working often by herself but also quite frequently with her colleagues. The internship was in a hybrid format, partly in person and otherwise over Chime (similar to Zoom.) There was also a multitude of professional development and networking opportunities provided through the company.

This internship required excellent communication skills, as well as marketing knowledge from her classes and familiarity with Microsoft Office. There was not a set program for Renae to follow, and she needed to reach out to people to find out what to do. Through this, she learned how to be more independent in her work. Throughout her time with AMA Ferris she worked quite frequently with a team, but at this internship, she worked independently and on her own projects more often than not. Over the course of the summer, she developed her own project for the internship, focusing mainly on the FAQ page, a seller playbook, and email campaigns. Overall, Renae says she learned a lot of skills that she will take with her in her career no matter what company she is at.

Renae’s favorite part of the internship was working with so many different people. She learned about working in a real work environment, beyond just the traditional internship experience. Renae learned how to work with and learn from people in different backgrounds, as she frequently met with people from other countries. Overall, she is grateful for the experience and very glad she applied. Renae stated “It doesn’t hurt to apply, even if it’s more of a farfetched dream… it’s not as far away as you would think. A lot of people [at Ferris] seem to be nervous to aim for bigger internships or jobs, but it’s not really such a crazy thing to aim for.”

AMA Ferris is excited for Renae and her success!

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